Testimonial from Joeri
13 April 2023
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Testimonial from Joeri

You can grow with us in various ways. We see growth not only as climbing a ladder, but also your personal growth is important to us. In this blog, you can read Joeri’s testimonial.

Unit-T Academy

The launch of a Unit-T Academy, where custom-developed training programmes, elaborate e-learning platforms and day-to-day operations will allow you to grow both professionally and personally within our company while doing your job.

Testimonial from Joeri

This is the testimonial of Joeri (HFC Network Technician)


In 2017, after the necessary training, I started as a Telenet installer at Unit-T.

Now anno 2021, I have progressed to Network Technician. I am a person who needs challenge in his job and I definitely find this in my current position.


As a Network Technician, you encounter new situations every day that ensure your job remains exciting. You have to be able to reason well, think logically and you have a lot of responsibility, which appeals to me a lot! Frequency spectrum is also not something you learn overnight and with the changes on the net, you keep learning, which gives me great satisfaction!

“As a Network Technician, you encounter new situations every day that ensure your job remains exciting.”

About Unit-T

With us, you can make an impact in the lives of millions of people, by connecting their future. Unit-T’ed we solve problems, give you the chance to explore new technologies and the ability to create flexible smart solutions. Want to know more? Check out all our jobs.


Written by

Communication and Marketing specialist

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